Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Music and its importance

I believe that music is one of the most important things in our lives, perhaps even more important than language itself. Every civilization, major and minor, in all of documented history has had music intertwined within its society.

Eunuch's were bred from birth throughout the middle ages for the sole purpose of singing for the nobility. Almost every ancient king from Xerxes to Nero had his own private choir. Daniel Levitin has written a book entitled "This is Your Brain on Music: The Science of Human Obsession," which presents the idea that there is so much going on in your brain when you hear music of any kind that even the world's top scientists and psychologists cannot explain it.

Attached is a link to Levitin's website, which explains a bit more about the subject matter contained in the book, as well as support from some names you may have heard of, including performing artist Sting, Black Sabbath manager Sandy Pearlman, and the New York Times.

Click here to visit Levitin's website.

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